

Newsletter #54 USC Supplemental Research


NEWSLETTER #54 探索在南加州大学(USC)享有盛誉的公共关系专业中取得成功的路线图!无论您是有志于学习传播学的学生,还是想为孩子提供指导的家长,这份全面的指南将为您详解从课程亮点、如Fred Cook博士这样的顶尖教授,到校园文化及宝贵的网络机会等要点。了解为什么USC的安嫩伯格传播与新闻学院是媒体、公关及其他领域职业的跳板。点击查看如何在学术旅程中抢占先机,获取通向全国顶尖项目之一的内部信息 University of Southern California – Communications Major (Public Relations) English 步骤1:了解大学信息 访问南加州大学(USC)的官方网站。USC是一所位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的私立研究型机构,以其在行业联系、创新研究和跨学科研究方面的突出表现而著称。USC的安嫩伯格传播与新闻学院提供顶级的传播学、新闻学和公共关系课程。 USC与娱乐产业的紧密联系及其地理位置使其成为想要与业内专业人士建立联系并获得市场营销、媒体及公共关系实习的学生的中心。利用Niche、US News或CollegeVine等资源收集USC的学术声誉、校园生活和排名等数据。USC的传播学项目长期位居前列,其校友网络广泛,为学生提供了许多实习和导师机会。 步骤2:了解您的专业课程 USC的公共关系项目涵盖品牌建设、数字策略、危机管理和媒体关系等主要主题。核心课程包括: PR 209: 战略公共关系的有效写作 – 重点是撰写新闻稿、媒体工具包和社交媒体内容。 PR 351a: 战略公共关系媒体与内容 – 学生学习如何为数字媒体和传统渠道创建引人注目的PR内容。 PR 463: 战略公共关系研究、分析与洞察 – 利用分析和数据评估PR活动的效果。 PR 429: 公共关系的商业与经济基础 – 结合PR策略与商业敏锐度,教授学生理解公司财务和业务运作在PR背景下的作用。 第一学年课程示例 秋季学期: PR 209: 战略公共关系的有效写作(4学分) PR 250: 战略公共关系:导论(4学分)- 涵盖公共关系和广告的基本原理,帮助学生了解PR在专业组织中的作用。 通识教育要求(例如,写作、社会科学、自然科学)(8学分) 春季学期: PR 351a: 战略公共关系媒体与内容(4学分) 选修课程(例如,广告、全球传播)(4学分) 通识教育要求(8学分) 步骤3:研究研究所和具体项目 USC安嫩伯格学院设有公共关系中心,每年发布《全球传播报告》,为学生提供PR趋势和行业实践的见解。参与该中心的研究让学生有机会亲身体验全球PR策略的分析。Global Communication Report 安嫩伯格媒体中心为学生提供在数字媒体和新闻学方面开展实际项目的机会,帮助他们获得战略传播的实践技能。Media Center  Dr. Fred Cook拥有超过30年的PR经验,教授危机沟通、企业社会责任和战略信息传递等课程,提供在这些领域的重要见解。Dr. Fred Cook 步骤4:研究知名校友 Marc Brown是KABC-TV的知名新闻主播。在他的职业生涯中,他为数百万观众播报新闻,并因其在广播新闻方面的杰出表现赢得了多项奖项。 LinkedIn - Marc Brown Marc Brown's ABC7 Breaking News Story 步骤5:了解社区与校园文化 USC为学生提供接触娱乐公司、媒体机构和公关公司的直接途径。这种接触为学生提供了丰富的实习和网络机会。 USC通过其安嫩伯格职业发展办公室帮助学生在CAA、迪士尼和Edelman等组织中找到实习机会。Career Development | USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism  职业发展 | USC安嫩伯格传播与新闻学院 USC Undergraduate Admission Blog  阅读有关USC的在线博客,以深入了解其快节奏、以职业为导向的校园文化。 USC本科招生博客 [...]

Newsletter #54 USC Supplemental Research2024-11-04T00:25:07+00:00

Newsletter #53: FAFSA,即“免费申请联邦学生资助”(Free Application for Federal Student Aid)


NEWSLETTER #53 FAFSA Article English   FAFSA Article Chinese November 2024 SAT PROFESSIONALS NEWS (909) 860-2190 Brian Park 加州亚裔高中生的大学费用和经济援助 为亚裔家长提供的实用指南 支付大学费用是加州许多亚裔高中生及其家长的重要担忧,尤其是在学费持续上涨的情况下。因此,了解并掌握经济援助体系,包括联邦贷款、佩尔助学金、加州助学金以及FAFSA申请流程,能够产生重大影响 加州亚裔高中生的大学学费和经济援助 大学学费概览 加州大学(UC) - 以加州大学欧文分校 (UC Irvine) 为例 在2024-2025学年,加州居民就读UC Irvine的基础学费为18,541美元。非居民需额外支付34,200美元,总费用达到52,741美元。学生的生活费用因住房情况不同而有所变化,总费用范围为33,019美元(住家)到43,727美元(校外居住)​。 加州州立大学(CSU) - 以加州州立大学长滩分校 (CSU Long Beach) 为例 就读CSU Long Beach的费用,居民学费为7,374美元,非居民为10,920美元。总开支范围为26,282美元(通勤)至37,952美元(校外居住)。CSU系统以费用低于UC著称。 私立大学 - 以南加州大学 (USC) 为例 在2024-2025学年,无论居住地,学生就读USC的学费为69,904美元。加上其他费用,校内/校外居住的学生总费用达到每年95,225美元。与家人同住的学生则稍微便宜,总费用为83,191美元​。 社区学院 - 以尔湾谷学院 (Irvine Valley College) 为例 社区学院尤其对加州居民来说是最实惠的选择。以尔湾谷学院为例,学费为每学分47.73美元,注册30学分的全日制学生每年学费为1,432美元。非居民则需支付更高的费用,年费为14,760美元​。 免费申请联邦学生资助(FAFSA)流程 经济援助模拟器 亚裔学生和家长可以使用联邦学生资助估算器来预估其潜在的联邦、州和机构经济援助。利用其收入数据和学术信息,他们可以了解联邦佩尔助学金、加州助学金及联邦学生贷款所覆盖的潜在费用。 助学金和贷款 联邦佩尔助学金 联邦佩尔助学金主要为低收入背景的学生提供资助。在2024-2025学年,佩尔助学金的最高奖励金额为7,395美元。根据FAFSA申请中提供的信息计算的学生资助指数(SAI)决定了佩尔助学金的资格。简而言之,SAI越低,经济需求越高,助学金金额也越高。虽然低收入学生优先,但中产家庭的学生也可能获得部分佩尔助学金,但需视低收入学生是否申领奖励而定。 加州助学金 加州助学金为加州居民提供了显著的资助。分为三类: 加州助学金A:为UC、CSU和私立院校学生支付学费的较大部分。UC学生可获得高达12,570美元,CSU学生则可获得5,742美元。 加州助学金B:第一年为生活费用提供最高1,648美元的资助。 加州助学金C:为参加职业技术教育项目的学生提供高达576美元的资助,如护士助理/家庭护理助手 (CNA/HCA)。无GPA要求,非常适合寻求职业培训的社区学院学生​。 联邦贷款 尽管不是最佳选择,但联邦学生贷款是亚裔家庭在需要额外经济援助时的一个选项。可供选择的贷款包括: 直接补贴贷款:在学生在校期间不计息。 直接无补贴贷款:利息从贷款开始时立即计息。 直接PLUS贷款:供家长用来支付剩余费用​。 FSA ID和FAFSA申请流程 要提交FAFSA申请,学生和家长必须创建FSA ID。对于尤其是移民家庭的亚裔高中生,他们可能不熟悉联邦经济援助系统,因此FSA ID的创建过程可能会有挑战性。因此,学校辅导员的指导通常是成功完成此步骤的必要条件。 此外,FSA ID将FAFSA申请与IRS数据检索工具连接,使收入验证过程变得更加简单,通过直接将税务信息导入FAFSA申请。这对不熟悉美国报税系统的亚裔家庭尤为有利。 关键要点 加州各类高等教育机构的费用差别显著,社区学院是最经济的选择,其次是CSU和UC,私立大学如USC的费用最昂贵。低收入家庭的亚裔高中生可以通过联邦和州的资助项目,如佩尔助学金、加州助学金及联邦学生贷款,获得大量经济援助。然而,FAFSA流程可能较为复杂,因此建议寻求学校辅导员的支持。在他们的帮助下,亚裔学生和家长可以最大化其经济援助机会,减少高等教育的经济负担。 如果您需要帮助,请联系我们的办公室。所有财务信息都会被严格保密,无需披露任何财务信息。如有需要,请在初次会议时告知我们 Diamond Bar Office: (909) 860-2190 21316 Pathfinder Road, Diamond Bar

Newsletter #53: FAFSA,即“免费申请联邦学生资助”(Free Application for Federal Student Aid)2024-11-04T00:25:35+00:00

#8 YOUTUBE – Paul Logan On Race Relations


Hey guys, this is Mr. Daniel, I came across this tweeter post from Paul Logan. Impressed by what he says about race situations in our country. Guess he is not only known for his hooligan acts, raps, and boxing =) Remember that racists are ignorants. Don't be afraid to speak up for yourself and your friends. Here are two sites you can find out more about stopping anti-Asian racism. What's been happening in the past year is not just about racism against Asians, it is about hatred in general.   Here are two organizations you can look into to help, [...]

#8 YOUTUBE – Paul Logan On Race Relations2021-06-23T22:47:20+00:00

#7 FINANCE – Compound Interest


Hi everyone, This is Mr. Daniel, I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Welcome to this week's newsletter.   I would like to share some of my thoughts on compound interest. One of the biggest news this week is the passing of the 3rd stimulus bill. The 1.9 Trillion (1,900 Billion dollars) stimulus bill is passed to ensure continued economic recovery from the Covid crisis since March 2020. Part of the package is direct payment to Americans! Here is a quick summary of the 3 Rounds of direct payments to Americans.   If you are single, meeting the requirement to receive all 3 [...]

#7 FINANCE – Compound Interest2021-06-23T22:46:38+00:00

#6 TECH – NFT, Non-Fungible Token


This is Mr. Daniel. How are you? I hope you are all doing well! Crazy news coming out recently in Cryptocurrency! I have to share about it.    First, a record of digital painting sales. Artist Beeple sold his Non-Fungible Token, "The First 5000 Days" for a whopping $69 million dollars at the Christie's Auction. Early this year, Paul Logan sold over $5 million dollars of his own brand of Non-Fungible Tokens.   What?   NFT or Non-Fungible Token is blockchain-backed digital Art cryptocurrency with unique identification codes and data associated with them. In other words, the owner of a NFT gets a [...]

#6 TECH – NFT, Non-Fungible Token2021-06-23T22:46:03+00:00

#5 COLLEGE – 2020 UC Admissions & Applications


Hi everyone, How are you? I hope all is safe and well!   March is the month when college decisions come out! It can be nerve-wracking time for graduating seniors and parents! If you are incoming seniors today (11th grade), these would be the approximate dates for you next year! Estimated College Decision Dates: UC Santa Cruz February 22, 2021 UC Riverside March 1, 2021 UC Merced March 2, 2021 UC Davis March 12, 2021 UC San Diego March 12, 2021 UC Santa Barbara March 16, 2021 UC UC Irvine March 19, 2021 UC Los Angeles March 19-22, 2021 UC Berkeley March 25, 2021   May, 2021 UC Analytical Writing Placement exam  (AWPE) for all [...]

#5 COLLEGE – 2020 UC Admissions & Applications2021-06-23T22:45:33+00:00

#4 COLLEGE – 2 Mediocre Activities That College DON’T Care About


Hi guys, How are you? This is Mr. Daniel. I hope you guys are having a great weekend! Today I would like to talk about 2 mediocre activities that college DON'T care about!   Mediocre Activity #1 - Superficial community Service hours I have seen many students' college applications covering years of random extracurricular activities that they participate in high school. These activities may amount to a few hours trash pickup for the recycling club, weekly Chinese school teaching assistance, and hours of volunteering during the school year that do not seem to be consistent with the student's personal story. Many of these superficial activities have low value and little meaning for the students. [...]

#4 COLLEGE – 2 Mediocre Activities That College DON’T Care About2021-06-23T22:45:06+00:00

#2 TECH – Elon Musk


Hi guys, How are you? This is Mr. Daniel, I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. I would like to share with you this video about Elon Musk!   Musk graduated from UPenn with dual degrees in Economics and Physics. He moved to California in 1995 (Elon Musk was born in 1971) to attend Stanford university but decided to follow his business career instead. He started a software company Zip2, sold his company in 1999 for $300 million and use the money to found which became present day PayPal.   Musk, arguably the most influential person in renovation, is currently involved in Tesla (Solar & Motors), SpaceX, The Boring Company [...]

#2 TECH – Elon Musk2021-06-23T22:43:25+00:00

#3 REAL ESTATE – Should You Buy Or Lease Your First Home On Your Own


Good morning! This is Mr. Daniel. How are you doing? Hope you are doing well! I had a question from one of my student about buying a house in the future. I included here some fun stuff about real estate. I hope you can learn these skills for your future. Real estate investments can be a wonderful means for you to build wealth and skill sets! I hope this article brings you some interest in real estate. Imaging you are in your last year of college, taking your last upper division courses of your major requirement. You are thinking about if you should [...]

#3 REAL ESTATE – Should You Buy Or Lease Your First Home On Your Own2021-06-23T22:44:23+00:00

#1 TECH – Gene Editing Is Going To Explode


Hi guys! This is Mr. Daniel!   Advancement in Gene editing will revolutionize medicine! Gene editing caught the world's attention in 2018 when a Chinese Scientist, He Jianhui, used CRISPR to modify CCR5 receptor DNA so that a set of twins are resistant to HIV infections. Dr. Cahrpentier and Doudna are awarded Nobel Prizes in Chemistry 2020 for discovering CRISPR/Cas9 genetic scissors!   CRISPR is a set of genes used by bacteria. We can use CRISPR to search for a specific gene of interest and Cas9 to edit the genetic code! New fragments of genetic code can now be inserted precisely to replace [...]

#1 TECH – Gene Editing Is Going To Explode2021-06-23T22:42:34+00:00
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