Hi everyone,
How are you? I hope all is safe and well!
March is the month when college decisions come out! It can be nerve-wracking time for graduating seniors and parents! If you are incoming seniors today (11th grade), these would be the approximate dates for you next year!
Estimated College Decision Dates:
UC Santa Cruz February 22, 2021
UC Riverside March 1, 2021
UC Merced March 2, 2021
UC Davis March 12, 2021
UC San Diego March 12, 2021
UC Santa Barbara March 16, 2021
UC UC Irvine March 19, 2021
UC Los Angeles March 19-22, 2021
UC Berkeley March 25, 2021
May, 2021 UC Analytical Writing Placement exam (AWPE) for all students who do not satisfy the writing requirements? https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/elwr/
Make sure your senior year classes are properly planned so you can waive AWPE requirements. Otherwise, you will be placed into college “ESL” programs before you may take regular English classes. This is also true for many nonUC colleges like USC.
June 1, 2021: Deadline to submit Statement of Intent to register (SIR). You can submit the SIR and withdraw later if you decide to go somewhere else.
July, 1, 2021: Deadlines for official 12th grade transcripts to be submitted. This is IMPORTANT, as some graduating seniors go overseas for vacation and decided not to check their email for the whole summer! Colleges may email you for questions and clarifications on your application and/or transcript even after your tentative acceptance in March. Failing to respond to college emails promptly may jeopardize your admissions and have your acceptance to be rescinded!
Remember your initial acceptance is conditional! Make sure you read through your UC portals to satisfy all conditions required by the campus of your choice.
Did you know that UC colleges have Appeal and Waitlist options? These are not the same.
We recommend our students to prepare “new” compelling academic information and draft a proper response before submitting for an appeal or waitlist statement.
Each UC has its own Appeal process. For example,
UCB does not offer appeal, but students can opt in for Wailist by April 15th.
UCLA review’s appeal case by case.
Most of the Appeal or Waitlist results will come out after the May 1st SIR deadline.
UC uses a Comprehensive Review process (13 factors of holistic review).
9 out of the 13 factors are academic based
4 out of the 13 factors are non quantifiable factors related to nonacademic.
Here are they in Chinese =)
9 Academic factors:
- GPA in A-G courses:頂尖UC 申請人的條件應具備
GPA Tiers:
Tier 1: 4.0+
Tier 2: 3.70-3.99
Tier 3: 3.30-3.69
(starting Fall 2021, UC will not consider SAT or ACT scores)
- Number & content of and Performance in Academic courses beyond minimum A-G
24-25 個學期的 AP,IB,Honor 以及其他 大學程度的課程能幫助提升申請頂尖 UC 學校的競爭力.
- Number of and performance in Honors & AP courses: 挑戰自我並超越 AP 課程
- ELC identification by UC:UC 給予在本校或加州成績最優秀 的 9%學生有保證入學名額。
- Quality of senior year program: 十二年級課程規劃。
- Outstanding performance in one or more academic subject areas: 在一個或多個學術學科領域的傑出表現
- Outstanding work in one or more special projects in any academic field of study:任何學術研究領域的特殊項目
- Outstanding performance in one or more academic subject areas:在一個或多個學術學科領域中表現出色
- Marked improvement in Academic performance. 改正錯誤並學習從挫折和失敗中尋回正軌 十分重要
4 non-quantifiable factors:
- Special talents, special skills, special interests, special experiences: 特殊才能, 特殊技能,特殊興趣,特殊經驗
- Special projects not related to academics: 與學者無關的特殊項目.
- Student’s life experiences: 特殊狀況:毎所學校在這個部分都給予不 同的比重。
- Location of school and residence: 學校和住所的位置
We focus a lot of Passion projects for the above reasons. We believe that the best way to stand out and stand apart is to develop intrinsic interests in our students and act on these interests.
Here are our Passion Projects Programs geared towards (#6,7,8,10,11). If you are interested, please to our office or visit www.satprofessionals.com
- Research Paper Project
- Writing Portfolio Project
- Business Entrepreneurship Project
- Community Service Project
- Maker Project
- STEM Project (Hardware or Software)
I also recommend 9th graders to take AP Biology, 10th grader AP Chemistry, 11th grader AP Physics series (4 AP Physics). AP exams are open for any students regardless if he or she takes them at school. Taking AP early has so many advantages. I will address more in later emails related to Colleges.
College admission can be a puzzle. Planning for extracurricular activities can be extremely rewarding if you approach them the right way. I understand that many of us (high school students) are not sure what we are interested in or what we should be doing. Do not worry too much about it. The more you talk to someone, the easier it gets. The most important thing is just to do it, don’t worry about failure. Keep trying new things by yourself or with your friends or mentors. Remember we are here to help.
I hope this email brings some insight into UC admissions. Should you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
Thanks guys!
See you next time!
Mr. Daniel
三月是大學做出錄取決定的月份! 對於即將畢業的12年級生和父母來說,這可能是令人坐立難安的時刻! 如果你即將進入12年級(現在11年級),那麼以下這些日期將是您明年即將到來的重要日期!
UC Riverside 2021年3月1日
UC Merced UC 2021年3月2日
UC UC Irvine UC 2021年3月19日
2021年5月,針對所有寫作不符合要求的學生將進行UC分析寫作水平考試(AWPE)https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/elwr/ 確保對高年級課程進行適當的計劃,以便免除AWPE要求。 否則,您將被安排進入大學的“ ESL”課程,然後再參加常規的英語課程。 對於南加州大學這樣的許多非加州大學來說,也是如此的。2021年6月1日:提交註冊意向書(SIR)的截止日期。 如果您決定去其他地方,可以提交註冊意向書(SIR)並在以後撤回。
2021年7月1日:提交12年級正式成績單的截止日期。 這很重要,因為一些即將畢業的12年級學生計劃前往海外度假,並決定整個暑假都不查看他們的電子郵件! 即使您三月份初步被大學錄取,大學也可能會通過電子郵件向您發送有關您的申請和/或成績單的問題或一些澄清的信息,如果未能及時回復大學電子郵件可能會危及您的錄取資格,並導致您的錄取被取
請記住,您最初的錄取是有條件的! 確保您已仔細閱讀UC官網所有訊息,以滿足所選大學的所有要求和條件。
您是否知道加州大學有上訴和候補名單選項? 這是不太一樣的。
每個UC都有自己的申訴流程。 例如,
- A-G課程的GPA:頂尖的UC申請人的條件應具備
9.學習成績的改善。 努力改正錯誤並學習從挫折和失敗中尋回正軌這是十分重要
11.與學業無關的特殊項目。 展現在特定學科方面的熱情和特長。
由於上述原因,我們會更專注於許多項目並投入更多的熱情。 我們認為,脫穎而出的最佳方法是發展學生的內在興趣,並根據這些興趣而採取行動。
這是我們針對初高中學生(#6,7,8,10,11)的激情項目計劃。 如果您有興趣,請到我們的辦公室諮詢或進入我們的網站查詢www.satprofessionals.com
- STEM項目(硬件或軟件)
我還建議9年級的學生參加AP生物學課程,10年級AP化學課程,11年級AP物理課程系列課程(4個AP物理)。 AP考試是開放給所有學生,無論他或她是否在學校上課。 儘早選修AP有很多優點。 我將在以後與大學有關的電子郵件中詳細介紹。
大學錄取可能對很多人是個難題, 如果您能以正確的方式提早計畫你的課外活動,將是非常有助益的。 我知道我們很多人(高中生)不確定我們對什麼感興趣或應該做些什麼。 不用太擔心,與專業有經驗的人交談的次數越多,越容易從中獲得一些想法,但是最重要的是要起而行,千萬不要擔心失敗,持續嘗試新事物,你可以自己去做也可以和您的朋友或顧問導師一起。 請記住,我們在這里為您提供任何的幫助。
我希望這封電子郵件能為UC入學帶來一些訊息。 如果您還有其他問題,請隨時與我們聯繫。