Inspired by excellence & innovation
Most useful problem-solving strategies revealed
Teaching methods & test banks proven to give you the best results
Experience you won’t find in any other tutoring centers
Special 1-Year AP/SAT Science Program w/ Daniel
AP Biology
>>Click Here<< for program details
AP Chemistry
>>Click Here<< for program details
AP Physics
>>Click Here<< for program details
SAT II Biology
>>Click Here<< for program details
SAT II Chemistry
>>Click Here<< for program details
SAT II Physics
>>Click Here<< for program details
Clubs and Projects
The California Wish Council Club is directed by a group of motivated students who are passionate about raising awareness and leveling the playing field in education for their underprivileged peers.
Empower with technology. To create an easily accessible, open-source platform in which a variety of individuals, from beginners to hobbyists to professionals, are able to share and find ideas and projects in whole: the software, the hardware, and the passion which we share as doers and makers.
STEM Counseling
For students interested in the Engineering field, we offer different kinds of courses to help them achieve their goals. From learning to code using Python, building their own project for college application portfolio, to summer intern research with top college professors, and encouraging them to participate in all kinds of competition, including Bebras, ACSL, and USACO. This program is led by our senior engineer counselor Dr. Meng.
College Planning
We offer College Planning Program for Science, Engineering/Computer Science & Business Orientated Students. Our 2-year STEM college planning pathway focus on R Programming/Probability with [...]
SAT® & ACT® Program
PreIB & PSAT 8th Grade & 9th Grade The Preliminary SAT®/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test offers students a foretaste of the actual SAT® Reasoning [...]
AP® Program
Biology Honors Summer + 40wks (9th Grade) This is our introduction to Pre-IB and AP Biology class that begins during summer session. Incoming freshman [...]
Middle School
Middle School years are the best time to build out-of-classroom interests & skills. We offer GPA & Core English & Math I, II, III [...]