Q: What is Advanced Placement® (AP®)?
A.College level courses at high schools. The test is scored from 1 to 5 with 2 parts: multiple choice and free response. It takes about 2 to 4 hours, depending on the test.
Q: When should I take them?
A: The tests are in May. Usually you can start taking AP® classes in high school from sophomore year, but you can take them even as a freshman if you study!
Q: Why should I take them?
A: You can earn a lot of college credit with these tests. It looks good on your college transcripts. Show off your ability on different subjects.
Q: What score on the AP® Test do I need to receive college credit?
A: Each college has their own policy about AP® test credit. Generally though you will need a 4 or 5.
Q: Do colleges require AP® tests for admission?
A: No, but taking an AP® class and an AP® test shows colleges that you are serious about your education and willing to push yourself to your limit.
Q: Can I take more than one AP® test a year?
A: Yes. Take as many AP® tests per year that you think you are prepared to take.
Q: What are good AP®s to take?
A: AP® Biology, AP® US History, AP® Calculus AB, AP® English & Literature or Language.
Fun Facts:
You don’t have to take the class in high school to take the AP®. We can prepare you for the AP® test. The most popular AP® test taken is AP® US History with 346,641 students in 2008.
You can earn AP® Scholar Awards that will look good on your college applications!
The 1988 film Stand and Deliver illustrated the real-life story of the power of one teacher, Jaime Escalante, and a challenging AP Calculus curriculum to motivate Latino students at Garfield High in East LA to excel.
*It isn’t easy, but studying hard, practicing, and getting help if necessary will get you a 5!